default namespace = "urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.2" ## STRUCTURE OF TYPHOON ADVISORY IN CAP (COMMON ALERTING PROTOCOL) FORMAT ## RSMC TOKYO - TYPHOON CENTER start = cap_rsmctk_typhoon cap_rsmctk_typhoon = element alert { ## Identifies a CAP message, in UUID format. element identifier { xsd:NMTOKEN { pattern = "[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}" } }, ## Currently fixed, using email address. element sender { xsd:token { pattern = "[\-\w]+@[.\w]+" } }, ## Time of dissemination of the message. element sent { xsd:dateTime { pattern = "[\d\-]+T[\d:]+\+00:00" } }, ## Operational status, ## currently chosen from three options. element status { "Actual" | "Exercise" | "Test" }, ## Currently fixed. element msgType { "Alert" }, ## Currently fixed. element scope { "Public" }, ##! element "restriction" not used ## Currently fixed: profile to CAP format. element code { "CAP-RSMCTK" }, ##! element "note" not used ##! element "references" not used ##! element "incidents" not used ## An "info" element is created for each time level ## (analysis or forecast hour). info+ } info = element info { ## indicating English element language { "en-US" }, ## Word "Met" for Meteorology. element category { "Met" }, ## Type of event, ## actually machine-readable type of "info" block. element event { "TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY/ANALYSIS" | "TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY/FORECAST" }, ##! element "responseType" not used ## Currently fixed. element urgency { # Right now JMA is not in a position # to prioritize or to de-priotize a part of Typhoon advisories. "Unknown" }, ## Curently fixed. element severity { # Right now JMA is not in a position # to prioritize or to de-priotize a part of Typhoon advisories. "Unknown" }, ## Word "Observed" for present position. ## "Likely (50% or more)" for forecast position, ## having circle of 70% likeliness in mind. element certainty { "Observed" | "Likely" }, ##- element eventCode[1] ## Machine-readable type of "info" block. element eventCode { element valueName { "EventType" }, element value { "TC_Analysis" | "TC_Forecast24" | "TC_Forecast45" | "TC_Forecast48" | "TC_Forecast69" | "TC_Forecast72" | "TC_Forecast96" | "TC_Forecast120" } }, ## Time at which the message take effect. element effective { xsd:dateTime { pattern = "[\d\-]+T[\d:]+\+00:00" } }, ## Time for which this "info" block is describing. element onset { xsd:dateTime { pattern = "[\d\-]+T[\d:]+\+00:00" } }, ## Time at which the message is to be superseded by newer message. element expires { xsd:dateTime { pattern = "[\d\-]+T[\d:]+\+00:00" } }, ## Currently fixed: human-readable sender. element senderName { "RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center" }, ## Human-readable headline, preferably shorter than 160 letters. element headline { xsd:token { maxLength = "160" } }, ## Human-readable description. element description { text }, ##! element "instruction" not used. ## Link to web resource. ## Currently fixed. element web { "" }, ##! element "contact" not used. ##- element parameter[1] ## RSMC Tokyo's internal identification number of the tropical cyclone. ## Note: if you are looking for the number associated with name, ## use parameter[@valueName = 'TC_CycloneID'] instead. element parameter { element valueName { "TC_Number" }, element value { xsd:positiveInteger { maxInclusive = "9999" } } }, ## parameters ## See parameter.xsl for contents element parameter { element valueName { xsd:NMTOKEN }, element value { text } }+, ##! element "resource" not used. ## area description (pos | probability_circle) } pos = ##- element area[1] ## estimated position of the tropical storm ## (shown as point regardless its confidence) element area { element areaDesc { text }, element circle { xsd:string { pattern = "-?\d+\.\d,-?\d+\.\d 0" } } }, ##- element area[position()>1] ## storm warning (if any) and gale warning ## (shown as circles, which may be biased from the centre) element area { element areaDesc { empty }, element circle { xsd:string { pattern = "-?\d+\.\d,-?\d+\.\d \d+" } } }* probability_circle = ##- element area[1] ## forecast position of the tropical storm ## (shown as circle of 70% probability) element area { element areaDesc { text }, element circle { xsd:string { pattern = "-?\d+\.\d,-?\d+\.\d \d+" } } }