-=Data Identification section of a metadata record=- {toc} TT-ApMD is working on the content for this page. !Title This is the title that the dataset, document or service is known by. It should be brief and summarize the contents. Searches of the WIS metadata catalogue include the title by default, and the title is the first information that users see when assessing whether the metadata record contains information of relevance to them. The title should be entered into the "Identification Information - title" section of your GISC's metadata editor tool (this may be labelled as CI_Citation/title"), or if it is necessary to write it in xml, it appears in the xml as: {CODE(caption="Specifying the title")} Climate Change 2013: the physical science basis : final draft underlying scientific-technical assessment : Working Group I contribution to the IPCC fifth asessment report. {CODE} Users often know datasets, services or documents by titles other than their official title. The ISO standard (on which the WMO Core Profile is based) allows as many alternate titles to be defined as the metadata author wishes. The example provides an alternative title for the IPCC report referred to above. {CODE(caption="Specifying an alternative title")} ... .... IPCC-AR5, Part 1 .... ... ... {CODE} !CI_ResponsibleParty ~red:Any metadata record may refer to multiple "parties" (people, organisations, or entities such as projects) responsible for different aspects of the data (and metadata). See [url to CI_Contact ]. CI_ResponsibleParty occurs in several places within the __MD_DataIdentification__ section: citation, pointOfContact and thesaurusName. The explanation below focusses on the first two, that is: __/identificationInfo/*/__[citation][[1..1]__/*/citedResponsibleParty[[0..n]__ and __/identificationInfo/*/__[pointOfContact][[0..n]__/CI_ResponsibleParty__ Although /[pointOfContact]/ is optional, when it is used, it should complement the "party"(CI_ResponsibleParty) information provided under __/identificationInfo/*/[citation][[1..1]/*/citedResponsibleParty[[0..n]__; The CI_RoleCode terms used, for a "party" in __/citation/__, will typically be 'originator'** or 'publisher', as the information in this section is intended to provide details needed for citation. The /citation/ section occurs in a number of places within the ISO19115 standard (such as dataQuality), but where /citation/ is under MD_DataIdentification, it is intended for data citation, in particular. (**NB:Some communities use 'author' as the CI_RoleCode instead of 'originator'; however, many U.S. records use 'originator' due to a previous metadata standard which they used; and the WMCP recommends the use of the term 'originator', rather than 'author'.) {CODE(caption="Specifying the author")} ... Bureau of Meteorology gisc-op@bom.gov.au ... ... {CODE} !!~~__What is the difference between DI/citation/*/citedResponsibleParty and DI/pointOfContact ?__ ~red:__DataIdentification/citation/__ is intended to provide details relevant to citing data. (For further details on why data citation is important, see here [add link to new webpg].) Appropriate roleCodes are: 'originator' and 'publisher'. __DataIdentification/pointOfContact__ is intended to provide details of those who should be contacted about the data (including particular aspects of the data). Appropriate roleCodes are: 'pointOfContact' (as a default), and 'custodian', 'owner', 'processor', 'principalInvestigator' and 'resourceProvider'. Sometimes, the party to be cited as author, (whose details will have been added to __/citation/__), isn't the party that knows the most about the data. In that case, it is important that the details of the party that knows the most about the data are added to an __identificationInfo/*/pointOfContact/__ element, with a suitable CI_RoleCode (typically 'pointOfContact'). If the party that owns the IPR (IntellectualPropertyRights) of the data is also known, a 2nd __/pointOfContact/__ element can also be added, this time using the CI_RoleCode of 'owner'. Note: its not possible to assign 2 roles to one party within the same section, without adding 2 separate CI_ResponsibleParty elements. For instance, if a party is both author and publisher, 2 separate elements would have to be added under /citation/. Similarly, where one party is both the IPR owner and the party most knowledgeable about the data, and where it is important to express both within the metadata, then it would be necessary to either add 2 /pointOfContact/ elements, with the appropriate roleCodes (or to add the IPR ownership detail into /ResourceConstraints/, as descriptive text). {CODE(caption="Specifying the Point Of Contact(s)")} ... NMC AUSTRALIA - Bureau of Meteorology Data Manager - WIS gisc-op@bom.gov.au FRDC AUSTRALIA info@frdc.org.net.au ... {CODE} Where details of an author have been added to the /citation/ section, and the author __is also__ the party that should be contacted with queries about the data, then also adding that party's details to __identificationInfo/*/pointOfContact/__ (using CI_RoleCode of 'pointOfContact') is optional, but preferred***. (***Even though the author's details have already been provided under __/citation/__, repeating it under __identificationInfo/*/pointOfContact__, with a roleCode of 'pointofContact', makes it clear that this __is__ the person to contact for information about the data.) Where no author is given (such as where the dataset or other resource isnt something that might be "cited"), then __/pointOfContact/__ details should ideally be given. Where any party's details (name) are added, the inclusion of an emailAddress should also be supplied, where possible. Note also: In WMCP v1.3, /identificationInfo/*/pointOfContact[0..n]/CI_ResponsibleParty has an unconstrained cardinality [0..n], unlike in WMCPv1.2 (where it was [0..1]); ~