require 'json' class App def initialize args @stab = [] @detac = [] @bt = @ofn = nil args.each{|arg| case arg when /^-nsd=/ then @stab.push($') when /^-o=/ then @ofn = $' when /^-bt=/ then @bt = $' else @detac.push(arg) end } @bt = unless @bt @sdb = {} @result = [] @duptab = {} end def nwsangle(str) case str when /^(\d+)-(\d+)[NE]$/ then (($1.to_i + $2.to_i / 60.0) * 100 + 0.5).floor * 0.01 when /^(\d+)-(\d+)[WS]$/ then (-($1.to_i + $2.to_i / 60.0) * 100 + 0.5).floor * 0.01 else nil end end def latlon(la, lo) fla = nwsangle(la) flo = nwsangle(lo) flo += 360 if flo and flo < 0 return nil unless fla and flo [fla, flo] end def stabload if @stab.empty? then $stderr.puts 'no station table specified - nsd_bbsss.txt assumed' @stab.push 'nsd_bbsss.txt' end @stab.each {|sfn|, 'r') {|ifp| ifp.each_line{|line| #47;582;----;Akita;;Japan;2;39-43N;140-06E;39-43N;140-06E;6;21;P^M i2,i3,c4,n,st,ct,ra,la,lo,la,lo2,la2,hha,hp,rem = line.chomp.split(/;/,15) pos = latlon(la, lo) or next @sdb[i2+i3] = { 'name' => n, 'pos' => pos } } } } end def strtoi str case str when /^-?\d+$/ then str.to_i else nil end end def strtof str case str when /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/ then str.to_f else nil end end def vis vv iv = strtoi(vv) case iv when 0 then 50 when 1..55 then iv * 100 when 56..80 then (iv - 50) * 1000 when 81..89 then (iv - 74) * 5000 when 90 then 25 when 91 then 50 when 92 then 200 when 93 then 500 when 94 then 1000 when 95 then 2000 when 96 then 4000 when 97 then 10_000 when 98 then 20_000 when 99 then 50_000 else nil end end DAY = 86400 def mktime dcd d = strtoi(dcd['YY']) h = strtoi(dcd['GG/9']) || strtoi(dcd['GG']) n = strtoi(dcd['gg']) || 0 unless d and h if / (\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/ === dcd['AHL'] then d = $1.to_i h = $2.to_i n = $3.to_i else $stderr.puts dcd.inspect raise return 'unknown' end end d = [[d, 31].min, 1].max xt = @bt # 未来日付の観測はないので、 @bt より遡る xt -= DAY while d != xt -= DAY if h == 23 and dcd['GG'] == '0' d = m = xt.mon y = xt.year begin return, m, d, h, n).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ') rescue ArgumentError $stderr.puts [y, m, d, h, n].inspect return "unknown" end end def synopconv xstnid, h, pos, name dd = strtoi(h['dd']) dd = nil if dd == 99 or dd == 90 return nil unless dd r = { "@" => xstnid, "La" => pos[0], "Lo" => pos[1], "d" => dd * 10 } r['ix'] = h['ix'] v = vis(h['VV']) ; r['V'] = v if v f = strtoi(h['ff']) f = Float('%4.1f' % (f * 0.51444)) if f and /[34]/ === h['iw'] r['f'] = f if f n = strtoi(h['N']) r['N'] = (n * 12.5).floor if n w = strtoi(h['ww']) r['w'] = w if w t = strtoi(h['TTT']) r['T'] = Float('%4.1f' % (t * 0.1 + 273.15)) if t t = strtoi(h['Td.3']) r['Td'] = Float('%4.1f' % (t * 0.1 + 273.15)) if t p4 = strtoi(h['P.4']) r['P'] = p4 * 10 if p4 p0 = strtoi(h['P0.4']) r['P0'] = p0 * 10 if p0 cl = strtoi(h['CL']) ; r['CL'] = cl if cl cm = strtoi(h['CM']) ; r['CM'] = cm if cm ch = strtoi(h['CH']) ; r['CH'] = ch if ch r['#'] = name if name r['ahl'] = h['AHL'] if h['AHL'] r end def tempconv xstnid, h, pos keys = h.keys.grep(/^dd@/).map{|s| s.sub(/^dd@/, '')} keys.each{|pl| r = { "@" => xstnid, "La" => pos[0], "Lo" => pos[1], 'd' => strtoi(h["dd@#{pl}"]) } sel = "fff@#{pl}" r['f'] = strtof(h[sel]) if h.include? sel sel = "hhh@#{pl}" r['z'] = strtoi(h[sel]) if h.include? sel t = strtoi(h["TTTa@#{pl}"]) r['T'] = Float('%4.1f' % (t * 0.1 + 273.15)) if t sel = "DD@#{pl}" dd = strtoi(h[sel]) if dd and r['T'] then r['Td'] = Float('%4.1f' % (r['T'] - dd * 0.1)) end yield(pl.sub(/SURF/, 'sfc'), r) } end def detacload @detac.each {|detac|, "r:ASCII-8BIT") {|ifp| ifp.each_line{|line| h = {} line.chomp.split(/\t/).each{|kvp| k, v = kvp.split(/:/, 2) h[k] = v } stnid = h['stnid'] = h['@ID'].to_s next if stnid.empty? xstnid = pos = name = nil case h['@MiMj'] when 'AAXX', 'TTAA' then unless @sdb[stnid] $stderr.puts "fixed #{stnid} unlocatable" next end xstnid = stnid pos = @sdb[stnid]['pos'] name = @sdb[stnid]['name'] else xstnid = "v#{stnid}" xstnid = "m#{stnid}" if 'IIAA' == h['@MiMj'] lat = strtoi(h['La.3']) lon = strtoi(h['Lo.4']) unless lat and lon $stderr.puts "mobile #{stnid} unlocatable" next end lat *= 0.1 lon *= 0.1 lon += 360 if lon < -30 pos = [lat, lon] end key = [mktime(h), 'sfc', xstnid].join('/') if stnid != 'SHIP' then if @duptab[key] $stderr.puts "station #{key} dup" next end @duptab[key] = 1 end case h['@MiMj'] when 'TTAA','UUAA','IIAA' then tempconv(xstnid, h, pos) {|pl, r| key2 = [mktime(h), pl, xstnid].join('/') @result.push [key2, r] } else r = synopconv(xstnid, h, pos, name) next unless r @result.push [key, r] end } } } end def saveto ofp for key, ent in @result json = ent.to_json.gsub(/\B000000+\d\b/, '') ofp.puts([key, json].join(' ')) end end def output if @ofn then, "w"){|ofp| saveto(ofp) } else saveto($stdout) end end def run stabload detacload output end end